Course correction

Course correction

June 26, 2024

26 June 2024

A group of 50 students at a university reached out to our Office for help after they all failed the same course.

A group of 50 students at a university reached out to our Office for help after they all failed the same course. The students, most of whom were international students, raised concerns about the instruction, grades and feedback they received from the university, and the financial consequences of having to repeat the class. We raised the complaints with university officials and reviewed the options available to the students.

RESULT: During our review, university officials contacted the students, explained the appeals process, invited them to discuss their concerns with the relevant dean, and offered them a chance to retake a condensed version of the course at no cost. We advised the students that if their concerns were not resolved, they could also raise them with the university’s own ombudsperson.

Read about how we helped other people in our Selected cases.